
Title Date Reference no. Document typesort ascending Download
ACABQ report 12 Nov 2022 A/77/7/Add.17 Report
ACABQ report 4 Dec 2013 A /68/7/Add.12 Report
ACABQ report 14 Oct 2016 A/71/550 Report
Report of the Secretary-General — residual functions 25 Apr 2023 A/77/789 Report
Report of the Secretary-General: Request for a subvention to the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia 20 Oct 2014 A/69/536 Report
ACABQ report 22 Oct 2018 A/73/448 Report
Report of the Secretary-General: Request for a subvention to the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia 6 Oct 2023 A/78/515 Report
Letter from Prime Minister of Cambodia addressed to the Secretary General 3 Mar 1999 A/53/851, S/1999/230 Letter
Identical letters from the Secretary-General to the President of the General Assembly and President of the Security Council 16 Mar 1999 A/53/850, S/1999/231 Letter
Letter dated 21 June 1997 from the First and Second Prime Ministers of Cambodia addressed to the Secretary-General 21 Jun 1997 A/51/930 S/1997/488 Letter
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 2 April 2015, authorizing a subvention to the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia 2 Apr 2015 A/RES/69/274 Resolution
Resolution: Khmer Rouge trials 13 May 2003 A/RES/57/228 B Resolution
Resolution: Khmer Rouge trials 18 Dec 2002 A/RES/57/228 Resolution
Resolution: Situation of human rights in Cambodia 12 Dec 1997 A/RES/52/135 Resolution
Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia – residual functions 31 Dec 2020 A/RES/75/257 Resolution
